Contact : +27 (0) 10 600 0400 | Monday - Sunday : 8:00 - 20:00 | Purchase 24 hours a day
The Nkandla Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the King Cetshwayo District in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. It is one of the five municipalities that make up the district. Nkandla has a claim to be the ‘cradle' of Zulu history. From Malandela to Shaka, to Dingane and Cetshwayo, Nkandla has been at the centre stage of the Zulu nation's history. The graves of King Malandela and Cetshwayo are at Nkandla. It consists mainly of tribal lands and state-owned land. The area has a wealth of undisturbed forests that boast mostly indigenous species. Nkandla Town offers the full array of urban development, albeit at a smaller scale compared to the majority of towns in KwaZulu-Natal.
(035) 833 2000
(035) 833 0920
No monthly fees
No admin fees
No handling fees
Fast and easy
Purchase anytime 24hours a day
Purchase from anyware you have internet access
Enable you for many self help features
Real-time changes on your profile
Manage your transactions and profile
Check municipality status
After you have followed the once off Registration process, you will receive our banking details via email and SMS to enable you to create a private beneficiary named Online Electricity
After this is done, to buy your electricity or water is as simple as making an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) from your online banking or banking App to Online Electricity.
Then 2 to 5 minutes later you should receive the token via email and SMS.
Do not use your banks own Buy - Prepaid - Electricity option, as this is not part of our system, and if these transactions fail, we cannot assist.
We are specialists in prepaid electricity. provides facilitation of prepaid electricity and water tokens service as the main business and not as a secondary service like many other institutions.
We have a wide knowledge base regarding prepaid electricity and water.
This results in unsurpassed and personal service, especially where a client is having problems.
If you make any regular Interbank Payment to any of our accounts. Transactions should only be automatically processed for token delivery when the funds clear in our account, in accordance with your Banks Interbank Payment policy.
If you need a token immediately you can choose to make an IMMEDIATE PAYMENT from your bank to expedite token delivery, this is normally within 2 to 20 minutes after the immediate payment was made, this time period may also vary according to your bank's Immediate Interbank Payment Policy.